Starts: 18 February 2025 (full schedule below- 7 online sessions)

Tutor: Gail Harker

Class Name: Allium

Click Here! Course Brochure- A Handmade Book of Spherical Stitches – Online

Status: Enrollment Open – No experience necessary

This class will be devoted to the creation of beautiful hand stitches using both surface and raised embroidery methods. A variety of 20+ unique stitches and techniques will be used. There will be videos to show the stitches which will also be sent to students after the class.  A hands-on virtual classroom with expert guidance by your tutor allows you to work and be part of a like-minded community of stitchers in our virtual classroom!

Online Class Dates- Tuesdays from 6-8 pm (Pacific Time Zone)

Session 1 – Feb. 18 
Session 2 – Mar. 11
Session 3 – Apr.15
Session 4 – May 20
Session 5 – June 17
Session 6 – July 22
Session 7 – Aug. 11

To check the time zone difference, go to Time Zone Converter and put in Seattle for Pacific Time zone and then your location.


Cart opens to secure online payments through PayPal.  Credit Card payments do NOT require a PayPal account.  To check out as a Guest (no PayPal account), after you add your course to the cart, click the words “Check Out” under the Yellow PayPal button.