Susan SasnettSusan Sasnett

Level 4 Studies in Experimental Stitch and Multimedia 

This course focuses on combining skills in design, machine and hand stitch to create complex finished items to a professional level. It is the culmination of a number of years of study. Each graduate has developed an individual artistic voice.

When I first discovered Gail’s classes I didn’t think there was any way that I could attend a 2 year long class much less be a diploma student.   I have learned so many techniques and principals of art and design over the years.  More importantly I have learned to be an artist: working with an inspirational theme, developing my artist eye and developing the discipline of going to my art space every day.  Since knitting through high school I always have something creative going on in my hands. After Gail’s classes I have the tools and understanding to follow my creative passion to deeper and even more satisfactory levels.  For the past four years my inspiration theme has been Birds, Bugs and Beasts.  For this class I focused primarily on bird caricatures.  I am particularly interested in animal shapes and how the division of space is created within that shape.  I see endless possibilities for how to fill those spaces and continued exploration of my theme.  Thank you Gail and Penny for being my guide by my side, I will be forever grateful. ~Susan Sasnett

NOTE: Click on the first thumbnail image and then you can see the full-size images.