Terri ShinnTerri Shinn

Level 4 Studies in Experimental Stitch and Multimedia 

This course focuses on combining skills in design, machine and hand stitch to create complex finished items to a professional level. It is the culmination of a number of years of study. Each graduate has developed an individual artistic voice.

My inspiration for the last four years has been a study mostly of roots, rocks and the underground.  Trying to challenge myself to see how broad the underground theme could be, I ended up with research which may well lead to many different series.  Experimentation, learning to see, think, and create outside the box has given my work significantly more breadth and depth. Meeting, then bonding with many supportive wonderful people throughout these past eleven years has been a gift of a lifetime. ~Terri Shinn

NOTE: Click on the first thumbnail image and then you can see the full-size images.